Dalit Voice, September 16-30, 1995
Minority Hindus Persecutingbr
Non-Hindu majority in Nepal
Nepali leader Gopal Gurung from Kathmandu has sent me his book, Hidden Facts in Nepalese Politics (DV July 16, 95 p.24). The book brings out a striking resemblance of India with those of non-Hindu tribes of NepalNepal. Deeply moved by the plight and persecution of the oppressed people of Nepal, who have risen indefiance of ruling Upper class, I felt compelled to write a few lines on the book to express my solidarity with the Nepalesebrothers and sisters in distress to boost their moral. Gurung seems to be the man of agitating masses there. He must have picked up my address from DV. I find so many similarities in the social system of India and Nepal,"world's only Hindu country". I was shocked and disillusioned too to find that the hydra-headed monster of castism that had played havoc with the lives of crores of human beings in India degrading them to the status of social lepers, rather worst than that of the animals, did not spare the soils beyond to spread the cult of hatred and violence based on racial discrlmination. The book written in the classic spirit ofa rebel brings out very bold the glaring example of jealous, prejudice, conspiracy and hypocrisy practiced so cunningly by the power-hungry but caste-conscious politicians of the day.
Racism in India: In fact, it is a world-wide phenomenon the strong kicking the weak. But it is peculiarly different on the soil of India and Nepal where it is the word from the holy (?) scriptures which reigns supreme and has the decisive say in shaping of the destines of the people and not the principles of justice, equity and fair play, where the privileges accruing there form is the birth and not the worth with which the individual might have been endowed. I and millions like me on this side of the line feel gratified to see that if the tyrants had their day in the past, the rebels in the or thousands to have risen high on the Nepalese horizon to cry halt to the savagery and barbarity carried on for so long in the name of hereditary right of usurpers. The role Gopal Gurung has carved out for himself and the heroic struggle he has started to win back the lost rights of his brethren is worthy of high praise.
to see that if the tyrants had their day in the past, the rebels in there thousands too have risen high on the Nepal's horizon to cry halt to the savagery
Babasahe's remedy: It would be worthwhile to recall in this context the inspiring example of Babasaheb Ambedkar who too experienced the agony and pain of being an Untouchable under the casteist hierarchy of the Hindus but later on when he acquired a deep knowledge and insight of the whole malady blasted the superstructure along with myths, dogmas and unethical notions attached thereto that breathed hatred, prejudice and discrimination against the vast sections of people branded as shudras and Ati-shudras (Untouchable). It is because, of this monumental service rendered to the humankind Babasaheb is remembered today more as an emancipator of the lowliest of the low and a valiant upholder of the human rights in the mould of his great master Gautam Buddha than a mere Law Minister, educationist or the maker of India's Constitution.
Babaseheb was himself a great rebel and has accorded quite a befitting place of importance to them in the society when he said the world owes much to the rebels who would dare to argue in the face of the pontiff and Insist that he is not infallible. The treasure of his precious thoughts now available In the form of 12 Volumes brought out by the Maharashtra Govt. can easily be described as the best guide for the solution of innumerable ills confronting the poor and the exploited sections of the society, including those in Nepal. The demand listed at the end of the book rightly reflects the aspiration of the downtrodden "Mulbasi" people of Nepal. Unexceptionable as they are, every right thinking person even from across the geographical barriers will fully and unreservedly supports them.
Bombay Red Light Area: DV readers in and out of India must write to Gopal Gurung and express their solidarity. The Book(1995), Hidden Facts in Nepalese Politics by Gopal Gurung can obtained from Po.Box. 2828, Kathmnadu, Nepal, pp115,Rs.100, 10 US dollars. Gopal Gurung should know that thousands of Nepalese Dalit girls ar sold to Bombay flesh market where out girls too are sexually exploited. DV wants to make a story on Bombay's Red Light area.-EDITOR.