//His works//
The man, his mission and his works
///his works//
His Works
Gopal Gurung's writings has appeared in numerous newspapers and magazines both at home
and aboard. His published books as follows:
- Shesh-Yetra, a novel,
- Shesh Paran and Shesh-Parasna (story collections)
- Shesh Kavita. (poem collection published in 1962).
- Nepali Rajniti ma Adhekhai Sachai (Hidden facts in Nepalese Politics)
The book that sent him to the prison, which has already ran four editions
since 1985 and the latest edition is already out of print. It is in both Nepali
and English.
He has written many other unpublished books and he is working on a new book
called Bahunism and Politics in Nepal and India. The following books have been
completed but due to his financial difficulties he has not been able to publish them:
- Bhul-Jindagiko (novel), (mistake of life)
- Poems of Jail (poem collection).
- An experience of jail life (Personal life story)
- Buddha in My Vision.